Friday, July 8, 2011

How do i tell him i like him?

not using actual names!. . .so recently i just got in contact with my old friend (BOB) and his brother(fred). They moved to NC when we were really young and last time i saw them in person was in 3rd grade! I at first i tweeted both of them then we texted as friends. . . thing is me and bob are a few months apart but he just graduated HS and i finished junior yr. and well me and Bob kinda talked a bit more and more with problems! he told me bout this girl he like but she ignored him and now he is getting over her! :) . . . . Now when we tweet and text we flirt and make corny jokes! now he doesnt even mention that girl at all and said me and him should meet up at Carowinds sometime this summer so we can hang out and ride coasters! . . . MY PROBLEM: im really starting to like Bob more and more but what sucks is he is prob going to college in California in August! and he flirts but im still not 100% sure if he is over this other girl! but we talk a lot now and he told me today he wished more girls were like me Real and orginal! . . . I dont know how to tell him i like him with out makin it awkward and ruining friendship but to let him noe and see if he likes me back! Fyi he is kinda smart and def nerd but cute and funny! aahhhh anybody plez just what should i do??? btw he lives in NC and im in SC its about a 4 hour distance!

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