Friday, July 8, 2011

Oh oh. Did you hear the Breaking News On More Bachmann Hypocrisy!?

This is from the news, and I know you'll hear it for yourselves. Seems that while Bachmann was out aggressively denouncing Obamacare and opposing Medicare and Medicaid, saying it would be like "expanding the welfare roles", Bachmann and Associates, her and her husband's clinic, has received, since 2005, state and federal Medicaid funds paid directly to their clinic. On TV recently, she was asked about this and said it was a "one-time payment that went for employee training", I believe. BUT, that was not true. In addition to Medicaid, they also received a grant for the clinic that went for employee training. The Medicaid funds were outside the grant. The Medicaid agency said the check from them went "directly to the clinic." They have received Medicaid funds for 6 years starting withh 2005. And guess where the highest fraud in Medicaid originates? With clinics like Bachmann and Associates because they are the hardest to police. You just don't know what they do wit the money! No accusations have been made, but there likely will be more attention and questions on this situation now that Bachmann is a presidential candidate. Interesting, you think? The more I find out about her, the more I don't trust her. I think she's a opportunist! Your thoughts?

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