Monday, July 18, 2011

Searching for a nickname...?

I'm looking for a nickname, for my music channel on youtube, i'd like an artist name then. Something like FreddeGredde (litterally: fred cream) you know, something random, starting with the letter ''P'' and if it's not too much, in french... if you write Piss or P*nis or idiocities like that, I will report you !

Does my dog not like his name?

Your dog obviously hates you. I mean, what else could it be? Why don't you try calling him Mal-Wa. He'll prolly forigve you...

Should First-Trimester Abortions be banned?

Government needs to rest on this issue. Roe V Wade was decided long ago, so its time to get over it now.


Ok, i was at the park and i found a baby bird it was probably not the best idea to take it but i need need to know everything about it what does what it eats how it should act. also it keeps opening and closing its mouth what the heck is it doing? we fed it soft rice is this good what do i do, i need to know everything about HELP!

Does anyone know what this song by fred hammond is called?

I heard it when some boys mimed to it a while back in my church. It talks about Christ coming back to get his people?

My 3 month old kitten wont stop trying to nurse on my skin...?

she tries to nurse on my hands, arms and face...her mom abandoned her and was bottle fed and taken care of. I feel bad pushing her away when she tries to nurse because i feel like she is looking for comfort...but its very annoying and it keeps me up at night. Is there anything I can do to discourage her from trying to nurse on me? I have heard that you can try to get the kitten to nurse on blankets but im not sure how to get her to do it.

Do we only have an anti war movement when Republicans are in the White House?

Obama has American involved in 3 wars and the anti war movement is MIA. When GW Bush was in office we had 2 wars going and the anti war movement was foaming at the mouth.

How do I change myself for the better?

I have an extremely hard time being social. Whenever I am at a party (that does not envolve my close friends) I tend to sit by myself and bide my time. When people ask me something I don't know how to respond to it other than small one liners. I don't feel I have anything to say and find myself being fed up for even going to these parties. How can I change? I would like to become more social

How come most votes in Senate aren't just accepted on a majority votes basis.?

The DREAM ACT could have passed, but the again GW had a republican majority senate for 4 out of 8 years he was president, so things could have been much worse than were during his terms.

How much state and federal tax is withheld in the state of Massachusetts?

I just need to know how much state and federal tax is withheld so I can see how much I will have in my paycheck

How is my story? any advice?

The beginning is refreshing. I like the ideas that you put together for this piece, it makes me want to read more.

War Hammer 40k players! Would you pay more for a converted model?

War Hammer 40k players! Would you pay more for a converted model that looks cool and someone has really put a lot of time into? I have been thinking about selling ork looted wagons that I moded with plastic card and bitz that end up looking really great! Only thing is would people spend more for it than just getting a GW model?

Spiritually speaking, astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle rejected the Big Bang ...?

There's abundant evidence for the Big Bang, and no evidence that anything was created. Hoyle is quoted quite a bit in creationist circles, isn't he?

2012 Baseball HOF ballot?

Larkin and Bagwell should be LOCKS. I still think Jack Morris should be in by now, and I was always a huge McGwire fan though, sadly, I don't ever see him getting in.

What was America thinking when they elected a crappy actor for president?

Reagan won because Carter was a such a screw up. Kind of how Obama won because Bush was such a screw up.

Can you locate farms using the 1880 US federal agricultural census?

I have been able to find the census for a ancestor living in Haverstraw NY for 1880. Is there a way that I can find the address of their farm land?

Does anyone else find it ironic that Conservatives are suggesting Obama got into Harvard because of?

The problem with Liberals is that you believe everything Obama says so their is no point in arguing with people like you. I can show fact after fact and you won't believe them.

Medicaid for the middle class? If only someone had told them to read the bill first. How did this happen?

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My Internet is slow and I need my parents to understand that?

Okay I am getting fed up what this my Internet is so slow I can't even explain it.My speed is .50 Mbps half of 1 Mbps I went to also do a lot of online gaming with my Xbox 360 and PS3 and I download a lot of stuff to.So my parents don't understand that our internet is slow and I need help persuading them to upgrade our Internet we have have the money capable of doing but my parents are not understanding I told them that are Internet is slow but they think it's perfectly fine.So someone Please Help me I am Serious I Need help persuading them.I am always watching YouTube videos and it takes like ten minutes to load a 3 minute video!Lastly when I download a huge file thats like 200MB I have to download it overnight when I sleep I think that's crazy that I have to do this So Please Help ME

What does this shirt say i think its in japanese?

here the link to a picture

A question for my fellow harry potter fans?

Do you know, I just thought of this but, there's probably at least one person out there who gets turned on by Harry Potter role playing. xD Maybe there's some kind of club. Just a random thought. Sorry for not answering.

Why would someone from another country?

as a form of ID. never mind that when the Social Security Act was first proposed FDR promised(cross my heart and hope to die promise) that it would NEVER be used for identification purposes!

I am in the PGR, should we protest at Fred Phelps funeral when he dies??

Yes. And the protest should be in the form of a big block party across the street from Phelps' funeral. Much to celebrate, I would think.

Help with my boys weight!?

Triple crown senior...we live in ny and get cold winters. We switch to it to help keep a lil extra fat on them in the winter. Also theres a weight builder supplement. Can be found on WWW.valley

Is anyone born after 1993 not a 90's kid?

You are a 90s kid. Anyone born after 1996 isn't a 90s kid. But 96 and before are 90s kids. Nough said. :)

Psalm 137 came true and people still do not believe in the bible !!!?

There is also a Psalm which states that the Earth is the centre of the universe which I think may have been used as justification by the Catholic church for burning Copernicus.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why do people think teen mothers are Sl*uts?

Teens have no right to have sex, nuff said. They hardly ever do it for the right reasons and they usually don't possess the emotional maturity to know what they are doing.

In applying for a federal job does including a cover letter help or are they ignored?

Hello! I own an editing and resume-writing service. If you still need help creating a federal specific resume, check out my website (for a new client special!) or e-mail me directly at:

Is rick ross the realest rapper ever?

even before he was a rap he was a hardcore hustler. in fact he was such a hardcore hustler that he became a fed and hustled and balled from the inside. can any other rapper say that?

Cute names for male guinea pig?

I just bought a male guinea pig for my daughter and she needs ideas for a name. It is mostly black but brown on the bottom and underneath - VERY beautiful. Please nothing stupid like Bob or Fred, something cute please :)

Which watch is better ?

Can never go wrong with a Seiko watch They little pricier but they are awesome watches! Get the kanetick sorry about spelling but kenetick Seiko watch & you will never be disappointed!

Where can I get these videogames like fighting Ronald Mc Donald vs. Burger King?

I saw videos on the Tube of different video games where ou can be anyone like Captain Caveman vs Homer Simpson or Fred Flintstone vs Popeye. Where are these games at?

How's my story so far? any advice?

Wow..I Really Enjoyed Reading This Although You Should Have Put In Description What It Was About Because I Cant Quite Comprehend The Lighting And Energy But Its Nice Format& Use Of Words In Other Words Keep Writing Id Definitely Read It.(:

Can any one help me? I remember seeing a movie when i was young.?

I remember there was this little blonde girl and she had an imaginary friend, his name was fred i think and he was an adult with red spiky hair and wore i think a green suit? and it was quite a weird film. Please Help!

Whats wrong with her? (baby quaker parrot)?

Basically I bought her a little over a month ago and the guys said that she only needed to be hand fed to about three more weeks she wont eat seeds but she can eat the "baby food" by herself. The problem is that she is constantly flapping her head and bobbing her head is this normal? She does thata t all times

Can someone PLEASE take a look at my birthchart?

According to your chart you come out in your problem within month after 11th july every thing is fine

Is it time to destroy the electoral college?

We now have technology to have a popular vote. In fact the federal government should run the natiuonal elections. This should be done for moe candidates. This way everybody has an equal voice.

Harry Potter or the Hunger Games?

I hope you don't expect anyone to read that, I certainly won't, but I will tell you I liked Harry Potter better.

In Indiana high school baseball is a 2 part catchers mask illegal?

Dogdays is right. High school (Federation) rules require the catchers helmet to cover both ears, but they do not specifically require that the helmet and mask are connected together as 1 unit.

Isn't it ironic that Fred Phelps was a civil rights activist?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Does the OKC arena have the retired numbers from the sonics?

this is a stupid question, but i never knew the answer. does the OKC arena have the jerseys of players like Nate McMillan, fred jones, etc hanged? and what about all the Conference titles/division titles banners the sonics earned, are they also hanged?

UNEMPLOYMENT ISSUES: Is this country (England) going down the gutter?

I am in the same situation and I have a list of qualifications and 30 years experience and 10 years of that experience was doing what your brother done but 5 years ago i got out of that and found a more rewarding job and gained more experience and qualifications but I find that most of the jobs are going to foreign workers, I cant even get a cleaning job because of the foreign workers. I already take the medication for depression and cant sink any lower and the debts are piling up because I am divorced and find it hard to survive on �67 per week benefit. Good Luck.

I'm having some trouble with my javascript. could i get some help?

You have called the function 'FindAthelete()', but the button tries to start a function called 'FindAthlete()'. This does not work. Javascript requires that you always spell the name of a given function or variable the same way. It cannot dynamically correct your spelling.

Who had lower approval ratings Hoover or GW Bush ?

Historians claim the Hoover administration was openly corrupt. Both severely damaged this country. Since shrub happened in our lifetime, and our generation has suffered the consequences of his incompetence, I give shrub my vote for "most likely to f**k up anything and everything", as he has every other business venture he has touched.

How do you hook up 2 dvi inputs into a monitor with only 1 dvi input?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Can a scriptwriter continue a Tv series that he didn't create?

Many movies/series are remade and some themes are borrowed from foreign counties and modified. So in theory it is possible. However, one cannot just start the new series based on the older theme. The idea needs to be discussed, proper legal permission needs to be granted from the original production company or whosoever is in charge.

Would warped tour let me bring this camera?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is it true GW Bush pardoned the most death row inmates as Gov of Texas (1995-2000)?

Read his book "Decision Points" to learn about his approach to pardons, along with many other things. I honestly never really liked him, but after reading that book I feel like I now understand many of his decisions.

Why does my wife never give me credit for anything?

shes not appreciating you, you need to calmly discuss that you feel unvalued, and ask her what exactly she wants from you. If you cant deal with her demands then you need to decide if its time to leave.

Should i threaten the guy thats been hurting my best friend?

I'd say talk to the girlfriend...but then again if you talk to the girlfriend ad it leads them to breakup then he will go crying to your friend and your friend will obviously take him. ANd then what if he blames her for him and his gf's boyfriend? Try to get your friend to meet new guys nd possibility if you can get a guy to text him to sty the F away from her.

Can Conservatives learn a little something from the Liberals and Progressives about telling the Truth?

And why do you think the Tea Party came about? Not because of dissatisfaction with Obama...but because of dissatisfaction with policies during the tail end of Bush's administration!

Do Atheists believe all religious people are ignorant, fanatical rednecks?

I know many religious people who are quite intelligent. It's the literalists and the fundies that have no ability to think for themselves, IMO. If someone can't think for themselves, it's hard to consider them intelligent - or at least thoughtful. If that means I think they're ignorant fanatical rednecks, so be it.

Who lied more Big Brother in 1984 or 'Climate Change Scientists'?

The truth is our sun is going through a period of low activity, The result of the last time that happened was the mini ice age. So even know global warming is BS we are going to hope its true.

Who do you think is the funniest on YouTube?

Ray william Johnson! and shane Dawson's funny I like the on episode where shane Dances in a store parking lot and then a cop comes and hes like oh sh!t po po! and raywilliamjohnson is to hilarious for words. He never fails to make me laugh.

Why isn't planning my wedding at all fun?

I'm in very early planning stages of my wedding. I dont know if you could even call it planning, because I havent gotten anything accomplished. The date is set for May 19th 2012, and I am extremely excited to be marrying the most wonderful man in the world. But I can't decide where to have the wedding, who all to invite, or anything else I should have figured out by now. Its to a point where I dont even want to plan it anymore. I keep looking at all the same websites, and consider all the same places, and I seriously plan for about 10 minutes before I get so frustrated and give up. My parents are suppose to be helping me with all the planning, which is important to me, but they are always so busy and they vacation a lot. I am so fed up with planning, yet I have NOTHING planned. Why do I feel like this and what can I do to enjoy this process?

Graduation party location?

I want to have a graduation party and invite around 50-100 people. My family's budget is around $25 give or take a few dollars. any good place in maybe the Bronx, NY or close to there? And locations close to the GW bridge in New Jersey are fine too.

How Many Teens Are Pregnant In Your High School Right Now?

Oh my god, they`re every-freaking-where. I have 2,400 kids at my highschool and guess how many are pregnant...498! And 206 have AIDS, 113 already have babies, 629 are addicted to some kind of drug, and 1,342 have been to court for something they did. Wtf is this world coming to? By the way, i go to GW in North Carolina.

Do you believe we live in a communist country...hear me out?

our Constitution has been spitted on and used as a door mat...fed gov have way too much power and police can do what ever they want and get away with it...heading towards a police state....some people even compare us with Russia saying the only difference is we get one more vote.... whats your thoughts and ideas?

When will season 2 of Adventure Time start in the UK?

Fed up of the same episodes being repeated -_- any clues or information released regarding the second season here in Britian?

To power New York with solar, we only need an area the size of Delaware and Rhode Island?

1,000,000 people need about 1 GW annually. Thats only about 22 sq miles! 20 million would need about 2000 sq miles accounting for solar days and such. Obama is right, this is within reach and as technology improves maybe have leftover space.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Which paintball gun should i buy?

They both operate & perform exactly the same. But i'd go with the Sonix simply because it's a package and you might need that stuff, unless you plan on getting all those things separate.

If we deport illegal aliens, can we send them to a third party country if they are afraid of going back home.?

Given that Mexico is very violent, I am hesitant of illegal aliens being deported there. Even if I was a compassionate Conservative as coined by GW., I still would be hesitant about deporting them. I know the case is with Cubans that we deport , that they can be sent to another country if being sent back to Cuba is not safe for them.

Im happy here. but it would be better if...?

im really happy so its not a big deal if anyone has an amazing answer BUT me and this guy lets camm him fred. weve been hanging and we kiss/makeout and everything and we already told eachother and im happy like this. i still want to know if theres a way i could get him to ask me out, i would but i just want him to. should i leave a good thing be or enhance it haha thanx ahead of time! :)

Has anyone ever used this product and does anyone know if it works?

Which I Love Lucy episode quote is this from?

I do not remember the exact line, i caught it at the last second, Fred and Ethel were having a discussion and Fred something about him being a penny pincher and then Ethel said something to the effect of "If there is a penny out there he will pinch it!" if anyone knows which episode this is from, you will be saving me a TON of time re-watching every single episode! thanks!

Anyone else get recurrent mastitis?

OK, looking for non-glib, non-"kellimom" answers. I am currently on my 5th round of antibiotics for mastitis with my almost-6-month-old daughter. Has this happened to anyone else? If so, what did you do? If I do try to stop breastfeeding, how do I do it without getting mastitis again? I don't really want to give up breastfeeding but I keep getting ill! My positioning is fine, I just think my wee girl doesn't open her mouth up wide enough. The infection is more in my nipple than my breast. Getting fed up. Any good advice gratefully received : )

My laptop has esata....?

Try this one (cheaper too, very similar to the gear I use in my computer business in New Zealand) :- a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I need to do this for a school project and have no idea what any mean can someone define them?

Instead of having other people do it for you, google each one. There are bound to be dictionary entries and Wikipedia articles just waiting to be read.

Could I have a mental illness?

Since I was little I've had severe OCD and Panic Attacks. OCD examples; not swallowing my spit because I brought myself to believe that if I did my family would die. Always counting my steps, turning over objects a certain amount (even numbers) of times that would usually equal 4 or 5. 4 being the members of my family and 5 being the members of my family and my pets... I would be saving their lives. I still do this frequently. If I try to stop myself from being OCD, I get very uncomfortable (I clutch my hands and try to think of something else) but it drives me insane. Lately it's been getting worse, I've been in a bad mood all week and I'm depressed. It's exhausting, having to deal with all the thoughts in my head... calculating and adding up letters in words-- and all for what? Nothing. I try to stop myself from doing this but it's like I CAN'T. I've been snapping at people all week because I'm just fed up with myself, I hate myself at this point. I have bad thoughts of killing people and then I feel dirty because of the mistakes I've made in my life and I am just unhappy. Sometimes I find myself talking to myself, just having conversations with someone I don't know and about a situation that's never happened to me. And when I catch myself, I'm like... OK STOP, I'm exhausting myself. What should I do? I might go to a Therapist... I'm just wondering if there's a name for my problem? Oh and if it matters at all, I'm 17.

Why can't DREAM ACT be allowed to prevail?

Dream act is just amnesty for illegals, no one wants that. We need to be focused on american issues not illegal aliens

Funny nickname for someone missing their front two teeth? PLEASE ANSWER I NEED IT FOR A STORY!!!?

I'm writing this fan fiction story on the movie Drop Dead Fred. Fred is this little girl's imaginary friend and I need a cute/funny/some what offensive nickname for her. That's the way he is. The last girl that he was the imaginary friend for, he called her Snot-face, so something like that. She's blonde and she's missing her front two teeth. Do you have any ideas?

Anyone looking for a fasting buddy?:>?

You already are thin. If you want to look like you are in better shape, you need to eat MORE and exercise rather than starving yourself to the point where your body can no longer cope with the demand you're putting on it. I want you to be healthy, and I want you to get help before you hurt yourself in a way that you can never come back from.

Friday, July 15, 2011

After a breakup, who should move into the other room?

Me and my ex-fiance have officially broken up. I am not financially ready to move out and he's been in the family room for the past month. It is his house and I'm wondering if I should be the one to move out of the master and move into the room with my daughter or continue to let him stay in the family room on the couch. He's a jerk, and I'm fed up and decided he could stay in there until i left, but now I'm a little compassionate. My daughter (his ex-stepdaughter) has bunk beds in her room and a in-room bathroom. I could move in there with her and the daughter we have together. Or I could just stay in the master and let him stay in the family room. If he does try to come back to the master, I will move in with her because I don't want to sleep in the same bed as him. Should I move to the other room now, or stay?

GUYS HELP!DD: so wht does "kicking it" mean?

Ohkay, so this guy named Fred (fake name) broke up with me, so i went out with his best friend. I had more feelings for Fred though && Fred still had feelings for me. So now that me and his friend are over Fred said we are just going to "kick it" right now. what does that even mean? does he just want to mess around with me until he finds another girl or what? GUYS HELP!D: cuz i don't know! he always telling me how important i am to him && how much he loves me.

How do youtube videos get SO popular?

Like I know advertising and all, but Fred and all these other ppl have like millions of views on their videos, how do they get so popular?

Which approval rating was higher: Obama today or GW Bush in June 2003?

Reagan's approval rating in June 1983 was lower than President Obama's is now. I don't really care about Bush's approval rating because he was unquestionably a disaster for this country.

What does my dream mean?

its your subconcese telling you that you need to poot your self outthere for her and show her you will do eneything to hold her in you arms. So I would suggjest doing mor with her and maybe if your ready ask her on a date

If your wife/girlfriend wants a sex change, would you stick around?

no i wouldnt stick around. if that would make her happy then alright but im not sticking around. sure looks arent important but i wouldnt feel comfortable knowing that im with a "guy".

Did you know Rick Perry is a RINO?

He's done well creating jobs in Texas, but he's bad on immigration, he's also done some tax increases on business. He talks a good game when he campaigns, but then he slides to the center after the election. He would probably beat Obama in the general election because he is a charismatic politician, but he's no conservative. We don't want another GW Bush up there and Perry is starting to look like GW Bush II.

What laptop should I go for?

U need to look for some laptop with 2 gb ram,dual core @2.51 ghz or a corei3,and atleast a 9500gt 1gb.This will not be that expensive and will be fine for your needs.

How does Fred know they are power rangers?

im a big power rangers fan and i just found out they put it on of course i had to go back and watch the mighty morphin power rangers movie and i saw that Fred (the kid) seems to know that they are power rangers. i dont know if he does or not but at the end he asks them about becoming one and it seems like throughout the whole movie he knows. this confused me because if anyone has seen the first episode Zordon tells the power rangers they have to keep their identity hidden, so if Fred knows then they are disobeying Zordon. i was just curious if anyone else found this kind of confusing.

Harry Potter Movie question!! concerning the Goblet of Fire?

Movies are never as detailed as the books. They leave in only the most essential parts of the book. If they had put the whole novel on screen, the movie would last two days

Why should I care about Global Warming, it won't affect me?

If you are under 40 there is a good chance that it will affect you or allready has. Think about the price of water and gas.

Would you vote a law that will put to death only politicians?

So let s take the most gore serial killer,that s a part about insanity,not pure evil.But politicians...If a politicians disregards the majority of the population,evan if his actions prove to be useful after the population was denied their constitutional rights,that politician will be put to death.Our first target should be ex president GW Bush.Would you vote for that law,to put politicians to death by not doing the will of the people?That s how they got the power,through us,the people...Elected by the people for the people.If you choose to not vote that kind of law,please give arguments in both cases,thank you!

Is Bachmann a leech on society because she received almost $300k in state aid?

No the biggest corrupt party in the world is the republican party. People who vote for them are brainwashed by radio and tv commentators. Add a kernel of truth to some big lies and they seem believable. Did you know that there is an invention that came out which will replace gasoline? This stuff will be super cheap to buy, that's why they are releasing oil from the strategic reserve. I just made that last part up, but because I added the news from the strategic reserve, it gave it a kernel of truth. People buy into that.

Are these good ferrets names and if yes then tell me which one you like?

D-ablo (devil in spanish), Cookie, Casper, Cinnamon, Elmo, Fred (Freddy), Ralph, Snickers, (i am getting a boy)

Im having guy trouble!!!! GUYS/GIRLS help me please!!!!?

I'd go with #3, he isn't like a brother to you, you have no past history, and he's got an adventurous side.

Why would any US doctor accept medicaid patients when Feds hold up monies routinely?

They took an oath to heal the sick. Despite what Obama says, many doctors give their services away for free to the poor. In fact, in the days before medicare and medicaid the poor received treatment through charities and generous doctors.

& ' fed ex shipping . ? (;?

Kay, so i ordered something from fed ex & 10 hours ago.. It left a destination that is only five hours away. Do you think it will get here today? On the website i ordered it from said it will be here today, but when i track it on fed ex. It says tommorowww? So willl it be tommorow?

Help me with my heartbreak?

you did exactly the right thing. do the classic, curl up in sweat pants watch romcoms and eat ben and jerrys. it really works :) x

What was hitlers name?

We learned about a war in history and he was in it, every one talked about him but they just called him hitler. First of all, why was he called hitler and not something normal like john or fred. And what was his last name. Most people just say hitler but hitler by itself is stupid, hitler hitler is just weird

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I have five sons ...?

tom calls me dad, jim calls me father, fred calls me pop, simon calls me pappa and Mikey refuses to acknowledge I am his parent ...what should I do..should I get rid of all the ones that don't call me dad or father ..or maybe just get rid of Mikey and put him on the street ...I love them all regardless of what they "say" .....what do I do?

Given that GW Bush should be "fairly tried and hanged" for his war crimes, shouldn't Obama be "charged"?

And what 'crimes' did Mr Bush commit? He protected the lives of Americans by invading Afghanistan. And if you go along with the BS that Iraq was not a threat to America or other countries you are not seeing facts, just emotional Documentaries.

HELP>>>Should i be sorry for my friend?

Well yesterday me and my 2 friends walked down 2 Walmart, and both of them got a fish there. I knew one of my friends, Gillian, would get in trouble because I knew her mom would be so mad. She was, but she didn't make her get rid of the d@mn fish (i think they let her do everything). Well, 2day I went to Gillian's house, and she was crying because her fish wasn't moving. We realized that the fish had a bloated stomach because she fed it WAY too much. She already has 2 dogs, and her own guinea pig, which she NEVER takes care of (poor thing). She just lets it sit in its own filth for weeks, and never feeds her. At Walmart, she was supposed to buy her guinea pig bedding, but instead she bought the d@mn fish for $2.(ikr) Well, the fish is now dead(i really don't give a crap), but Gillian is really sad,(though shes most likely going to get another one soon) I don't think she should get another one because she can barely take care of herself. Should I feel sorry that the fish died, or should I not because it's really her fault?

Do colleges look at all SAT II scores?

You can retake the sat iis just like normal ones and colleges only look at the highest score. But they do look at sat iis.

How can you tell the difference between Fred and George Weasley?

My friend and i are dressing up as fred and george for a party and we would like to know things that would help tell them apart. Also are they both right handed?

Best way to set up a home NAS with 8-10 Hard drives?

i rather setup one more PC with 8 sata ports and use it as a server (storage), what are the advantages? faster access, better cooling system, security protected, online accessibility in the future just in case you want to.

Will Republicans ever recognize the damage that was done to this country under GW Bush?

Seems that many Republicans haven't yet grasped the near apocalyptic failure of the last President and it's long term disastrous effects on this country. Is this due to ignorance or Partisanship?

How many famous people graduated from your college or university?

I don't really see why you need to brag. For as many famous people who graduated from an Ivy there are those who have only accomplished a great amount of debt. It is obvious you have low self esteem if you need anonymous people on the internet to validate you.

Will you Compare George W Bush with Hindu God Lord Shiva ( he is the Hindu God of Destruction ) ..?

I don't know about the Hindu god but I am grateful to "W" for his handling of terrorists and it is sad if innocent Muslims were/are killed but radical islam declared war on us and not vice-versa. The 3 thousand americans killed on 9/11 were innocent victims, too! it something that you still would've chosen...?

if you werent fed religious ideology growing up as a child also do you think that if you would have found out about atheism at an earlier age before making your choice in a religion do you think you would still be religious

My rating for a federal job application was 97, plus an extra 10 for veterans preference. Whats next?

You have to be called in for an interview BASED ON YOUR QUALIFICATIONS and then be chosen as the best candidate.

When someone changes their name from Joe and Fred, to....?

Say what you want...profiling is done by all of us, because it works. I think it needs to be done officially and as policy. And you just pointed out red flag to look into.

What do I do about this guy I like?

So there's this guy I like; let's call him Fred, so Fred and me met last year, where we both really liked each other. But he never asked me out (if this is important, I was the most popular girl in my class) so now it's the next year, and he's really popular and I'm n that circle but not the most popular so I learned from one of Fred's friends that he likes a friend of mine; let's call her Sarah; So I asked him about it and he said he was dared to do it. But I learned from another friend; let's call her kate; that he told her he actually did like her, and all my friends are saying that. But I still REALLY like Fred; he hasn't asked Sarah out yet but he supposedly will; another time I heard him say "I dont think I wanna ask her out, but that doesn't mean I don't like her." and don't tell me to getover it because I've tried that. So should I tell him that I like him or not?

Is this cage suitable?

Looks okay except for the platforms because they are wire and their legs or feet may get caught in it while running. So be careful about that and HAVE FUN!!! (:

With unemployment at about 10%, why do democrats think that raising taxes will solve all spending problems?

the mental disease of Liberalism compels them to do whatever it takes to weaken and damage the USA, just look at their programs and ideology.

How is my story? any advice?

The beginning is refreshing. I like the ideas that you put together for this piece, it makes me want to read more.

Do you agree animals have an easier life than humans?

I say this all the time to my friends. I'd kill to be a bird or a dolphin, or even a cat. They're so carefree.

Can a scriptwriter continue a Tv series that he didn't create?

i like the first link best. enjoy =P

Can I go after H & R Block for tax errors that they caused?

I went to H & R Block to have my taxes done in January of this year. I've never owed money or been penalized for anything, but now I'm getting letters from the state I live in telling me I owe them a lot of money with interest and penalties. H & R Block told me that I only owed Federal that I already paid in February. They are claiming that they are not responsible. had an amendment filed by a MANAGER because of errors done by the original preparer. I've been giving until 7/1/2011 to have this money that I didn't know I owed to be paid in full or it will continue to add interest and penalties. I did not buy a peace of mind because I was lead to believe that I didn't need it because my taxes were done correctly. They are refunding me my tax prep fee and the interest, but I have to pay hundreds out of my pocket that I don't have. If I had time I could have saved up the money and paid them before the April deadline. They lied to me and made mistakes on my taxes and they aren't owning up to there mistakes.

Shipping Question? How much longer?

I got a two day shipping and it is the second day. Fed-ex says estimated delivery is in two more days. Is it right.

What's your stance on gays raising kids, and why?

I'm gay myself, and have no reason to object to same-sex parents. Personally, I don't want children, but I see nothing wrong with 2 people of the same gender raising a children. Arguments aside, a child is better with two parents gay or straight that love and support them unconditionally, as opposed to being on the street or foster homes. I was raised by my grandmother, my parents weren't around and I turned out fine.

Why can I not change channel on my Satellite receiver?

Have a SatMax A1600 Satellite receiver with the channel change stuck on the number 0800 and channel change Up & Down will not change it. Looked in Menu & Parental Control and found Channel Lock -----On. On the Parental Page is "Input Password" -"-Menu Lock"-- "Channel Lock" "New Password" &" Confirm Password. As receiver was bought 2nd hand I do not have the passwords and the manual for the receiver states the default Password for "Input password" is 00000 but this does not open it for me to get at the into the other functions. The manual also states If you change or forget the password then the receiver will need new software to gain access. Does anyone know how I can gain access to this software. Would be gratefull for any help with this problem. Cheers Fred

What do you think of the way President Obama is making the GOP oppose Presidential Powers they gave G W Bush?

They gave GW Bush the expanded war powers now that President Obama is using them the Republicans are trying to remove the very powers they gladly gave GW Bush.

UNEMPLOYMENT ISSUES: Is this country (England) going down the gutter?

I feel a little like this.The thing is, would you like a nanny state like in scandinavia when you could just flunk off of everything with no incentive to succeed? Then we really would be in the sh*tter. The thing is, every country goes through trouble, and people do lose their jobs, but then does it not make you glad LABOUR set up a benefit system so you and your brother don't starve on the street while you look for a job? Despite what people think, I think the government have a good go at our problems, but I don't think your problem can get solved by the government. Just enjoy the fact at least we're not in somalia or some other 3rd world country.

Can i play WoW, GW, PWI, RIFT and other MMORPG's with a integrated ATI HD4200 Radeon?

No man. Not RIFT. WoW on low. It's the weakest graphics solution on the market. What you'd want to do is grab a cheaper computer at your local big box store and throw in a 6570/5670 GPU for about 50 pounds.

Ive ended up making my daughters bottle with unboiled water?

ive just fed my daughter 5months a bottle with what i thought was cooled boiled water but my partner hadnt boiled it yet, will she be ok or do i need to panic

Mexican federal police information?

They are called, "Los Federales." You don't mention whether you're fluent in la lengua. Es muy importante, amigo.

Will my disability block from a tradition life?

Don't let them fill ur head with that crap. My son has the same thing and I expect him to function the same as anyone else. They have meds to help with that stuff. My husbands boss has this as well and he is a manager of a big company. U can do what ever u put ur mind to. Don't believe the stupid crap people put I. Ur head sometimes people don't want to see other people succeed in life. Good luck man keep doing your thing!!!!!!

My boss is a pervert...what should i do?

Is there any way that you can plant some sort of "nanny cam" in your office, or his, wherever this behavior takes place? You can also try to record the conversations. Also, document everything he does, date, time, place, if there were any witnesses, etc. Once you have a good amount of proof, you need to take copies of it to the human resources department and report him. If they try to blow you off, let them know that you aren't afraid to get your own lawyer and report him. If you make the information public, he can and will lose his license to practice the law, they are very tough on ethics and lawyers! Also, you need to tell him that you don't like what he's doing, he may take your silence to mean that it's ok or at least that you won't tell, and that's what he's counting on. He gets off on your fear and the power he has to keep you silent, don't let him win this!

Collection agency doing a Bank Garnishment?

Should a collection agency sue you for a medical bill for $300 and you have been making monthly payments, they get a judgement.....Can they garnish a bank account that I am list as a signor only? I do not have a personal bank account of my own but listed on a business account as a signor. My understanding is the account is listed under a federal tax id number.

Question about my interest rate for a car I bought.?

Alright, well I bought my first car on Sunday. I'm in the Marines, and purchased a Subaru WRX for $9,900. However since my credit score is 0. Navy fed could only get me a loan at 15% interest. My monthly payment is $240 a month. I deploy to Afghanistan next month and will be able to make $1,000-2,000 monthly payments while I'm over there. Basically my question is, if I make larger monthy payments will I be paying less on interest?

How Do I Track My PS3?

ok so my ps3 has been delivered to texas, but i am getting it serviced so at some point that will have to return it. Is there anyway that i can track the return process. This is via fed ex btw.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why is John Boehner and Eric Cantor Assuring that the Debt Ceiling will " Eventually be raised"?

Our federal government has been running in the red each and every year since 1957. No one can change a systemic solution that has become largely institutionalized.

Which watch is better ? Ten points best answer!?

I think the first one.... but both rather pricey and it is your choice go for which one is better for you

If GW Bush had been off by 3 years signing and dating the Westminster Abby guestbook would it be a big deal?

Not only would it be a big deal, the press would be lampooning Bush, saying this is further proof that he's an idiot. Yet for some reason when Obama uses the whole page to sign his name, because that's how big his ego is, and then dates it wrong by 3 years, the press barely reports it.

What shall I wear with this suit?

plain white shirt smarter go with suit not polo shirt more casual wear with jeans shorts summer not with a suit too prom look smart

What's ur opinion of this girl getting fired for wearing hijab?

I think it's a really mean and cruel thing to do. I am Muslim and I wear the hijab because of my religion. They should respect that.

Would you vote for a republican like GW Bush Junior or for a Democrat like President Barack Obama?

Obama again and again. I feel that Bush ruined the country, and I like the country I live in, That's why I vote democratic and will vote for Obama again

I am being discriminated because I have a black boyfriend?

I have a boyfriend who is black and we've been together for almost a year and love each other but you can't believe what I have to go through because of his skin color. My friends constantly laugh at me and teas me about it, my family is in shock and do not want me to be with him, my landlord does not allow him to visit me because he is black and I was fired because employer saw in facebook my profile picture with him. I'm so fed up, why can't we live normal life, we even broke up but I could not stay more than 2 months without him. Why every day has to be like going thru hell because of it

How can I get my pell grant back after being denied?!?

I just got my fin aid letter from my school (I am a senior), and it shows that I am not getting a pell grant, which means I will also not get my smart grant! I also lost the Rober Byrd Scholarship as the funding was cut. My brother graduated college, and it looks like my parents earned a little more money last year, and I'm guessing that's the reason, but I haven't been notified why by the fed govt. Both of my parents work (my mom's is stable, my dad's is on and off), and both work at second part time jobs. I work during the school year, and am having a hard time finding any kind of job this summer. I live in a distressed area in Ohio, and go to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. The only reason I was able to attend there is because I got scholarships, grants, and loans which barely cover my costs. I have been so grateful for that! This year my dad took on a part time job delivering court summons to help pay his debts, and the expenses from this job (especially gasoline) made the job not worth it, as he found out at the end of the year. My parents are paying their way out of a bankruptcy, and will be done with that in January. They have no equity at all in our home, and are underwater on the mortgage. They do not want to default on the mortgage (it is a small very modest house), and are really really struggling to meet expenses. They have student loans for their three children, and are not in default on those. Is there anything I can do to talk to someone in the federal government about this? I don't know how to contact anyone about this. I am terrified that I won't be able to complete my senior year. My parents are beside themselves as well. We know none of us can get a loan for $19,000. If you know what I should do, please help!

How many here think Blago will go to a Club Fed?

My guess is that he will do a short stay in a minimum security prison that is little worse than a Holiday Inn unlike us who would do serious time in a maximum security prison .

Does a Montana Supreme Court ruling now mean that climate science is now legally recognized as not settled?

Of course the science isn't settled no matter what True Believers scream. The court decision will mean that idiotic frivolous lawsuits from environmentalists will be harder to establish.

Where can I buy only Fred Weasley's Wand?

Where I can I buy Fred Weasley from Harry Potter's wand without having to buy the set of both his and George's?

Please reply urgent!!!! save my break up?

my gf lives in usa & iam in India, she took me out of her facebook n said that she has deleted her account few days back i found her using fb she argued n said i am sharing mah fb with mah frnz so i deleted u coz i dnt wanted dem 2 bother u!!!! she lied 2 me. I call her phone she answers my call once in 15 days n argues n says i dnt have international calling facility she lost her dad few months back she is suffering from deases so i feel bad for her , i am fed up of her from last 6 months she havent messaged me once n says i love u huney tell me what should i do?

Oh oh. Did you hear the Breaking News On More Bachmann Hypocrisy!?

This is from the news, and I know you'll hear it for yourselves. Seems that while Bachmann was out aggressively denouncing Obamacare and opposing Medicare and Medicaid, saying it would be like "expanding the welfare roles", Bachmann and Associates, her and her husband's clinic, has received, since 2005, state and federal Medicaid funds paid directly to their clinic. On TV recently, she was asked about this and said it was a "one-time payment that went for employee training", I believe. BUT, that was not true. In addition to Medicaid, they also received a grant for the clinic that went for employee training. The Medicaid funds were outside the grant. The Medicaid agency said the check from them went "directly to the clinic." They have received Medicaid funds for 6 years starting withh 2005. And guess where the highest fraud in Medicaid originates? With clinics like Bachmann and Associates because they are the hardest to police. You just don't know what they do wit the money! No accusations have been made, but there likely will be more attention and questions on this situation now that Bachmann is a presidential candidate. Interesting, you think? The more I find out about her, the more I don't trust her. I think she's a opportunist! Your thoughts?

Can anyone tell me what that baby was in the horror film ''grace''?

the baby died then came back to life and fed on blood was it a vampire idk no one bit it and some say it was a zombie child i looked everywhere but i still cant find out i hate not knowing things and its keeping me awake at night please tell me.........and for any assholes who are gonna post stupid answers just don't it waste every ones time

Can i use a smartphone if i buy it unlocked and i have the AT&T family data plan?

Hey adam sorry if i didn't understand your question.The new smartphone will work because it's unlocked but it requires a data plan :-) Good Luck!

Why is it that people like 'Fred' (the Youtube star)?

All he ever seems to do is sit infront of a camera with an edited high pitch voice and talk about is his mum and medication. He acts gay all the time and claims he isn't, that he fancies someone called Julie. Has he ever actually said anything funny? I used to think Justin Bieber was bad but at least he has some talent. I mean why does he alter his voice anyway? Surely if he's the slightest bit funny he can talk naturally?

Job question??... help please?

ok so I've been applying for jobs and I was interviewed at Fred meyers by the manager and she said she will call me on monday to let me know if I got the job and then best buy called me yesterday and they wanted to make an interview. do you think the manager at fred meyers will be mad at me?? what's going to happen?

Will this laptop be ok for gaming? or should i get a different one? or build barebone?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Where can I find large silver hoops?

I used to have these 4.5" silver hoops - until a friend borrowed them and bent them past fixing. I've been looking online for something close to that size, but with no luck. I've tried Forever 21, WetSeal, Kohl's, Shop Style, Fred Flare, and All the Rage.

On the TV show from the 70's, Sanford and Son, who played Aunt Esther and can you tell me anything about her?

She's Fred Sanford's Bible thumping sister in law that can't stand him and he feels the same about her. I just thought she was hilarious! Thanks.

Where is the gang in scooby doo night of 100 frights?

Where do you find shaggy, velma, daphne, and fred in scooby doo night of 100 frights??? How do you rescue them?

Need someone that play's Guitar, would this be a good gift?

That's pretty kick-***, I would love to get that as a gift! In fact, I just added it to my Wish List, thanks!

Do you DARE GW Bush to travel abroad?

I DARE you to learn math so you know how much 14 trillion is, and go talk to a real war criminal. Maybe you can give him/her some chocolate and read poetry and sing the praises of Obama while he/she hooks electrodes up to your private parts and has someone rape your significant other.

Domestic Violence convition dismissed 1203.4 and firearms?

I understand having your domestic conviction in California expunged by 1203.4 does not restore firearm rights, aside from the 10 year state ban there is also a lifetime prohibition, however, I found this flyer on the ATF website here: that says if you have it expunged and the court restores your rights you MAY possess a firearm. If I retain an attorney, and at my local superior court can get the judge to restore my firearm rights early of the 10 year rule, would this also lift the federal prohibition?

How's my story so far? any advice?

Wow..I Really Enjoyed Reading This Although You Should Have Put In Description What It Was About Because I Cant Quite Comprehend The Lighting And Energy But Its Nice Format& Use Of Words In Other Words Keep Writing Id Definitely Read It.(:

Gaming laptop with low budget?

The acer (#2) is the better of the two due to the stronger GPU. Don't worry about the dual core. It will be a LONG time before quad cores are required. In fact, the i5 will be STRONGER due to better design and higher clock rates, and hyper threading (which gives it 4 virtual cores)

What is up with people?

I have been on Yahoo Answers for a while now. I'm fed up with giving people advice on dating! They're saying "I'm to scared to ask out so and so" or "I've never been on a date" What the hell? The answers all point to the obvious! Get out there and talk to people! Swallow your freaking shyness and get the hell out there! Is this just me?

When did Americans become so dumb?

Perhaps I am overstating things, but it seems that Americans are becoming dumber by the year. We elected GW Bush President, we listen to Fox News and its merry parade of imbeciles (Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck), we fawn over monosyllabic ignoramuses like Sarah Palin and Paris Hilton, worship at the altar of evangelical nutjobs and doomsayers like Harold Camping and Pat Robertson, place millions of people behind bars for the most petty crimes, advocate war and guns while pretending to be "pro life," call for a reduction of the deficit but at the same time decline any major cuts or tax increases. What the hell is the matter with us? When did we become so stupid?

How can the justice dept. sue for asking for too much documentation before hiring?

Rules are Rules! if they don't follow them, they get slapped with a lawsuit and fine. I'm glad the Justice Department is doing their job.

Where can I buy only Fred Weasley's wand?

Does anyone know where I can buy a Fred Weasley wand without having to get the entire set of both of the twins?

Can you dye your hair blonde without bleaching it if your hair is black?

i was thinking about dyeing my hair blonde but my hair is black right now. i really dont want to bleach it. and i was wondering if i could dye it without bleaching it. and im not professionally dyeing it either. im just gonna pick up a box or two of dye from fred meyer or something. i was thinking maybe, dye it with the first box and then dye it again? my friend tried to do what im doing, but she only died it once and turned a nasty shade of orange. i was thinking that i would do that, but then dye it with another box after that... i dont know. help :/

Can you use a different name for facebook?

for example if my name was fred smith can you use a different name like fred smigo or somethin like that? an if someone searches for you by searching fred smith will they beable to find you if your called fred smigo or will they have to search fred smigo to do that? thanks

Eligibility for VA loan?

What are the requirements/disqualifications to getting one? If you have outstanding federal debt, is that a disqualifier?

(praying mantis babies) What next?

I've just hatched a praying mantis egg sack. All the babies are in a ten gallon tank with dirt, grass, sticks and leaves. I fed the babies with aphids, but I don't think there are enough. Should I let a bunch of babies go? and only keep a small bunch? What do you think I should do?

What do I feed my horse?

I just got my rescue gelding and he was just fed grass and it wasn't good grass eaither. He was fed cow hay in the winter and he is underweight, I want to put him on grain, fed twice a day mornings and nights he is. Pony, 13.2 hh what kind of grain should I get? He will have option to grass and will be stalled at night

Which GW Bush policies, if any, did Obama campaign against yet are still in place today?

Hp for Pete sakes Gitmo the Patriot act the savior even omitted these words ,,Quagmire ,civil war, our troops are invaders, the war is lost admit it and pull out troops ,we are making more terrorist, the daily body count,the world hates us,

Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Pt,2: Fred and George official character banner..?

Ok, so 11 new character banners have been released for HP7 Pt2...I was wondering if the Fred and George one will be for sale anywhere at any point? They're my absolute favourite characters and I'd love one. Thanks :)

Should I sell my horse?

I think I already know the answer and just need to be talked into it! We have 4 horses - too many for our small place, really, although we keep them well fed. Two of them came to us free and as a total surprise - they are lovely Dutch Warmbloods. There is a lady here in town who would like to buy the mare (who is my sweetheart) for her pony club daughter -- BUT I don't really ride anymore (I'm heavy and out of shape and a little scared). I do some training with her (really enjoyed getting her past a fear of being bridled and unbridled - that was some hard work! I think she'd been hurt by the bit at one time and was really scared) and adore her, but I guess she'd be better off with the pony club girl. The problem is that I really don't like my husband's two geldings - one is nippy and mean, and the Warmblood is very big and high spirited so I don't even enjoy working with them. My daughter WOULD ride this mare, but she has a horse of her own that is her "main" interest. *sigh*

How will Bachmann fare in a debate when all this comes to light?

Imagine that , a con in office to line their own pockets ... The family farm , husband's business start up CASH ., the pork industry , etc. More scary is her involvement in a charter school that had it's religious right " curriculum " .. She may have some esplaining to do Lucy ... It should be colorful ..

Good people on YouTube?

Gurus- Andreaschoice,bubzbeauty,dulcecandy87, kalelcullen,makeupbytiffianyD,ricebunny. I don't really know any of the people who you named but jennaxmarbles is HIGHLARIOUS

Is this normal................?

Hi, my names fred i have a dog or dinosaur named Dino and when wilma wont let me do anal well i do the dog is this normal?

Monday, July 11, 2011

What do you think of this 6 young illegal immigrants arrested in Ga. protest?

I say that it is a good thing that they did this in the US and not mexico, there the probably would have been shot.

Is Baltimore Museum of Industry a great place to see fireworks on the 4th of July?

It charges $50 per car, which means I can take a few friends with me and a picnic. It is much cheaper than other places like the top of the World Trade center and Constellation Museum. But I am not sure whether the view will be better than Federal hill? If anyone has viewed fireworks before there, how crowded will it be on the deck? Can I still have the space for shooting pictures with my tripod? Any other suggestions? Thank you so much!!

Why did the FBI spy on Albert Einstein?

Because Einstein was an unapologetic socialist, and hoover was a conservative who saw commies everywhere.

Feel cheated by the college admissions process?

I worked really hard in high school, yet I am not going to a school I like. I maintained an unweighted gpa of 3.89, weighted 4.52, took 7 AP classes, and many more honors, participated in many extracurriculars including national honor society and national art honor society, graduated in the top 5 percent of my class and in the state of md, and got a decent sat score 2010. I did get accepted at one of my top choice schools, gw, by my parents could not afford it, and I did not receive enough aid. Someone I know with similar stats did though, and they are able to go, while I end up with my last choice, university of md, college park. In addition, I was not even accepted to their honor or scholars program. I am completely depressed and not excited at all to go to college in the fall. What should I do to make this better? And sorry for the really long and depressing question.

9 weeks old breastfeeding baby?

Small babies need to feed often, and they often make up for the sleeping time by eating more frequently when awake. She is moderating her own intake to match what her body needs. If you are pumping after a feeding, you will not get too much milk because your daughter is getting it. There shouldn't be a lot left. If you are looking to express more then you might wait an hour when she is sleeping and pump then. The best indicator of having enough milk is the baby - if she is having 8 wet diapers a day and gaining weight and developing well, then she is doing fine. Don't get hung up about the numbers when you are pumping.

Federal Pell Grant Reimbursement?

My Fasfa was processed on 05/02/2011. I am receiving a Pell Grant of $5,550.00. I am just curious when I will be receiving my the rest of my Pell Grant, and if I will be getting it all at once. I am going for an A.A. Degree in Photography at Daytona State College in August. Thanks. (:

Other than Obama not bring home the troops, what has he done wrong?

Just about everything! He has cut benefits for seniors,children and the mentally handicapped! people that can't help themselves. He is arrogant and self serving. Has no experience with foreign policies and when someone tells him something he acts as if he didn't hear.

Acne Help for a Despererate Teen. PLEASE! <3?

Go to your doctor! Seriously, A lot of The stuff you get over the counter does nothing. My doctor prescribed some cream which worked like a miracle, and fast.

Play ps3, from UK and have a headset? Leave gamer tags please!?

Fed up of non eng servers and nobody to talk to, :/ and all my goons of mates have xbox 360's (grieved)

I want to win the World Record for smallest feet - read more!?

Granted, a guy binding his feet to prevent them growing is weird but it is not a mental disorder. This does not belong in mental health; I suggest you re-categorize the question in "skin & body" under "beauty and style".

Would you vote for GW Bush if you could?

No. No. No. Remember when George W. Bush came on national television to tell us about that bogeyman Saddam Hussein?Looking back, he reminds me of a camp counselor trying to give the kids a big scare.As it turns out, it was all just so phony and so staged.Then that staged "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" scene. Such fools some of us were. I wish I had a YouTube link, but I was not prepared.George W. Bush belongs in a dungeon, a type of housing for prisoners he himself would utilize.

Who will you blame when the u.s troops in iraq rebel?

Although there is a plan to withdraw them in the end of this year but it will not be performed as the iraqi revolution would begin any moment then the u.s troops will have to be involved in the streets combats again and they already fed up and dont have a worthy reason to fight and waste time and life in iraq for.

House sparrow being released?

Hello! Today morning I released a young sparrow, and now I have doubts what I did was right. I hand feed him 19 days (when I got him he was around 3-4 days old), he began to fly one week ago, on Tuesday 21. For the last days I hand reared him every 2 hours, but he also fed on his own... he didn't start to eat big seeds yet. Last three days he was very noisy, and I didn't want him to be closed in an apartment or get used to humans, I also thought he was good in flying. But now that I think back, I truly hope he could find food and other sparrows, and wouldn't miss the syringe. Do you think I should let him go when he would be older and would eat on his own all day long, on your experiences? a also red on the net that sparrows get independent 7- 10 days after they leave the nest (but they leave the nest when they do not yet fly). He also wasn't used of the weather outside, do you think he could find a shelter? And I have one question more..why do you think he was so loud? Even when I fed him he didn't stop cheeping. And I really doubt he was hungry. Thank you very much for your answers! Jasmina

What is Gus short for ?

I have a friend named Gus and i would like to know, Is his name short for a perticular name, i.e. and Fred is short for Frederick and so on. For a laugh is Gus short for Gustoppo-just a joke don't freak out ha ha !!!

When is suzuki gw 250 to be launched in india?

I want to buy a motorbike & heard that few great bikes are ready to be launched in india like suzuki gw 250 & honda VTR 250. can any one tell me when they are going to be launched?

What does it mean when a mailing label says "Bill third party"?

If you and HP are the only parties involved, it appears that the "third party" in this case is HP itself. That is, it was shipped at their expense.

Are there any FEDERAL or international laws about cyber-abuse?

More specifically, concerning constant libel/defamation attempts that are ongoing and have been going on for 57 monthsand counting? Why can't hosting companies ban trolls from posting for 6 months?

If you apply for federal financial aid and you aren't an "independent" student...?

Nope. Just because they won't give you their info, does not make you an independent student. I went through the same exact thing with my fiance. His mom would not give her info and he was not over 23 at the time so he could not get financial aid. The ONLY factors that make you a dependent student are if you are married, over 23 or have a child have provide for over 50% of that childs needs. Your parents not wanting to pay for your college or giving you their info does NOT make you a dependent student therefor you application will not go through with out their information if you do not meet the above qualifications.

Where can I get colourful striped polo shirts from?

The ones like Fred Perry sold a few years ago, striped blocks of more than 2 colours, like orange/red/white and purple/black/blue etc?

What's the difference between the MacBook and the MacBook Pro?

I know getting the MacBook Air is stupid. Plus it looks easy to break. What are the pros and cons, or just what do you think about the two? I'm starting to get into design and technological stuff in school, so I assume that I'll have to use a fancy computer. I'm using a PC, but it doesn't start up very fast and it takes forever to load stuff and I'm just fed up with it. I hear the Macs are really fast and don't get viruses too easily, although I guess it depends on the sites you go on. So which one is the better? Other than the fact that MacPro has bigger screens.

My rabbit will not litter train?

I had the same problem when I first got my rabbit. It is still in the phase of learning, but once it has adapted to the environment it is in, it will learn where the bathroom is and how to correctly use it. This will take time so be patient.

I have NO idea what to do with my life?

I'm 22, jobless, and just failed out of college, I live with my girlfriend of 2+ years and I have absolutely no idea what to do with my life, I feel lost all the time and am not particularly good at anything as far as I know, the only thing I know is that I want to see the world, traveling is the only sense of fulfillment I've ever had but I doubt it's going to help me much right now, from age 16 to like 19 my life was great and I had a lot of fun but now I feel like the best is over and the rest of life is just going to be boring and meaningless, I used to go to concerts, travel, and see my friends constantly but it feels like every little thing that used to bring me happiness is gone now. I feel like I'm missing something and that I'll never find it, I just want to find out what I'm good at, preferably travel the world and to be happy again, I'm not suicidal or anything but I'm just fed up with how my life currently is, the 9 to 5 isn't for me at all, it's like I feel anchored down if I have a job, which I've never had one I enjoyed or could really even tolerate. I'm not lazy I'm just having trouble finding myself and what I might be good at.

How to make my metabolism fast again, recovering bulimic?

i've been battling with bulimia since june or july of last year (NOT severe bulimia at all). in the beginning of me stopping, i didn't gain weight. now i see that i am starting to gain weight this time when i stopped in May, and i went to my cousins and his mom fed us a lot of food, and when i came home i weighed myself and i gained weight so i binged this morning and purged. my weight fluctuates like everyone else, but it never goes down and i gain weight easy. how can i make my metabolism fast again so i won't be afraid of weight gain as much? im only 16, almost 16.

Can i sue a newspaper?

in 2008 FBI raided my familys house with allegations of human trafficing,money laundering,social security fraud and a foced abortion (allegations were agains my parents),my parents faced 108 criminal counts and 50years+ in federal prison. With the help of our attorneys we were able to build a strong defense in wich we went to mexico to interview several alleged slaves, whom all sided with us, saying there was no such abuse, even the woman who was allegedly foced to abort brought along documents stating it was an ectopic pregnancy that had to be terminated, NOT an abortion. The government later too dropped the money laundering charges because they admitted it was a mistake, and as it turns out one by one the charges began to fall...eventually 107 of the 108 charges were dropped because the government could not back up its allegations. the one count was for having an undocumented employee working with us for two months( ). Several even grander allegations were reported by a hispanic news paper based in Los Angeles which exaggerated stories and even went as far as claiming my family had a contracted hit man working for us. the reporter who wrote these news paper articles claims she did some investigative reporting with some supposed slaves and collaberated with the FBI in their investigation, it turns out she was interviewing two disgruntled employees who wanted to gain legal residency from this. i want to know if i can effectively sue a news paper for not doing a detailed investigation on such a heavy case? what can i do? do i have a case? might the FBI be liable as well?

How do I convince my "landlords" to let me keep a kitten?

Since they are relatives, offer a 'damage fee' as collateral. One extra month's rent to be held by your grandparents. You can also mention you have at least one ageing cat, these will help fill in the gap when she passes on.

Natal planets and points in the 9th house meaning of it Karmic?

* You basic emphasis in this life should be with the Saturn and your North Node. The planets that are placed with your South node are bonus points for playing well in the past. You have the lessons of the past represented by all those other planets that show you know how to be Cancer in the 9th. Now you must learn Capricorn in the 3rd. But you are being given a look at the other qualities so you can compare your new behaviors to the other undesirable behaviors from the past.The South Node gives you insight and strength you can draw on now. ***PS I don't know what an intercarter is?

What "Harry Potter" name should I give to my dog?

I recently just got a corgi and was wondering what to call him. Preferably a harry potter character name :) I was thinking 'Sirius' but it doesn't really suit my small brown dog! But maaaybe Fred. thanks! I'm open to all answers

What percentage is majority vote in Canada?

I am referring to federal elections. What percentage would a party need to gain majority government, as in the case of Steven Harper's Tories? Is it 40%? My sister keeps saying it's 50, but I recall it being 40 in my socials sheets back in high school, but I haven't taken socials in years so I cannot quite trust myself. Thanks.

Should I take my wife back after she ran off?

Years ago, my wife met a guy online name Fred. Fred is what you youngins refer to as a "bad boy". I am a christian man with a normal everyday job, I guess she was secretly into bad boys and she was bored of me. My wife was 22 at the time and Fred was 28. 5 years larer, she comes back to me 7 months pregnant, crying and whining. She said Fred abused and cheated on her numerous times and she left him for good. She tells me she is now done with bad boys and is ready to commit to me(a good guy). Should I take my wife back and forgive her?

My puppy is only a month old and extemely bloated?

i think ive fed him too much he seems to be acting normal just bloated to the point that its disturbing. i know he has worms but he is really bloated and im really scared??

Help with my boyfriend and another guy?

So I met a boy last summer, we'll call him Jim. Well, Jim and I went on about two dates before he had to go off to California for college, we talked while he was there, and in about November, I befriended his cousin through Facebook because he liked the same music as me and stuff, (We'll call the cousin Fred). Well, Jim and I talked on Facebook all 5 months, until Jim came home for Xmas vacation, he said that he wasn't ready to make a commitment, and I understood and it was fine. His cousin, Fred, started asking me if I wanted to hang out, and I did, and we've been dating ever since. Jim is completely cool with us dating. It's been about 5 months that we've been dating, and now Jim is back for good. The problem here is that Jim still likes me. It's not that I don't love Fred anymore, but he has been different lately, and the way our relationship has been is leading me to wonder about Jim. Fred and I are still happy, and I feel really guilty about thinking about Jim. Jim and I still talk, because we're still good friends, so he flirts with me a lot. I want to hang out with Jim, but I know it will be a bad idea because I don't want to upset Fred, who is still my boyfriend. How can I stop myself from seeing Jim in a "curious" light, but still remain friends with him, and still remain loyal to Fred? I know it sounds shallow, and it is, so no need to tell me so. I told Jim to stop flirting with me, but I don't think it's going to last for long...I don't want to mess things up between Jim and Fred. They're not only cousins, but also really good friends.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Scooby doo mystery incorporated, Fred and Daphne?

okay I'm pretty much all caught up on the show scooby doo mystery incorporated, but I just watched episode seven-tine, the one about the the kung-fu wizards or whatever, and it says Daphne and Fred are dating, when did that

Son wants a salon set for his birthday?

Look for an inexpensive set for cosmetology students. If you dont want to spend a lot just get a doll head (sold on ebay). If he will be using any heat on the doll head do NOT buy synthetic hair.

It is really setting me back in the dating game?

I have an extremely hard time being social. Whenever I am at a party (that does not envolve my close friends) I tend to sit by myself and bide my time. When people ask me something I don't know how to respond to it other than small one liners. I don't feel I have anything to say and find myself being fed up for even going to these parties. I would like to become more social. How can I change?

Son wants a salon set for his birthday?

Ring up some beauty colleges and see if they have any old equipment and ask them if they know a good place to get practise styling things. Make sure you get him some of those mannequin heads with the hair you can practise styling and cutting with. In 8-10 more years you'll never have to pay for hair cuts again if he sticks with it lol.

Getting your First Apartment?

Listen I'm going through a lot as a 16 year old & I honestly cant even wait until i turn 18 ! but unfortunately i have to wait.. But Anyways what are somethings u need to have your own apartment at the age of 18? All I know is about a bank account but why? Can u list a couples of things i'm going to need &* PLEASE don't be mean because i don't no ! gw i don't no what catgory to place this in

Please reply urgent!!!! save my break up?

my gf lives in usa & iam in India, she took me out of her facebook n said that she has deleted her account few days back i found her using fb she argued n said i am sharing mah fb with mah frnz so i deleted u coz i dnt wanted dem 2 bother u!!!! she lied 2 me. I call her phone she answers my call once in 15 days n argues n says i dnt have international calling facility she lost her dad few months back she is suffering from deases so i feel bad for her , i am fed up of her from last 6 months she havent messaged me once n says i love u huney tell me what should i do?

Need some Youtube video ideas?

I think that if you want views on YouTube your videos have to be you. Come from your mind. You can't constantly ask other people for ideas because then the videos arent even 100% yours. If you cant think of video ideas, then dont make videos.

If GW Bush was RINO, fiscally irresponsible, spent like drunken sailor - Didn't Obama inherit the results?

As a Republican and a true conservative, I'll be the first to admit that Bush was not a good President, and that he spent too much. But this does not excuse 0bama. Sure, he inherited some problems, most Presidents do in one form or another, but rather than fix these problems, he made them 1,000 times worse. Basically Bush lit the fire and 0bama threw a huge can of gasoline on it.

Why should Conservatives vote to raise the debt ceiling?

The Feds don't need more borrowed money to waste. They need to cut and pay down the debt! If the credit is cut the Feds will have to prioritize like everyone else! We won't default at all.

What kind of car charger is this?

The Apple store carries car chargers that have a detatchable cord so you can plug in any USB charging cord. Check an Apple store near you.

Feels like something in my eye, after taking contacts out?

Alright so here's my problem. For the past few MONTHS i've been having problems with my eyes and feels like there is something in both of them. It definitely feels like particles are in my eyes, after I take out my contacts and some times very rarely I feel them when my contacts are in. If I blink hard I can feel the particles moving around, but if I don't they seem to settle behind my eye. I have tried eye drops, flushing, pulling my lid down, but that's about it. My eye exam dude looked at them, and he said they didn't see anything, and my eye looks perfect. Any suggestions on what to do to get it out? I am seriously fed up with having this stuff in my eyes... there is DEFINITELY something in there, I just cannot get it out. Also, when changing out my contacts I noticed there was a hole in one a few months ago, maybe that is in one of my eyes. I don't know for sure, but does anyone have any more suggestions? Maybe there is a product to dissolve the particles lol?

I don't have money for a therapy how do I deal with this?

Ok i dont want to make you angry but Stop being a victim and start being a survivor. the things that were done to you in your past were done in your past dont let them continue to haunt you in your present or you give them that power over you all over again. I am saying this from personal experience. If you really want counceling and cant afford it go to your local Community Services Board (NOT SOCIAL SERVICES)and they will charge you according to your income. Have you ever thought that you and your sister struggle from the same emotional problems because you may have the same genetic psychological illness? Go and get yourself checked out it may be as simple as a chemical imbalance that can be fixed with medication.

Since the Pharisees claimed that no prophet would come from Galilee, but...?

Actually Jonah and some other prophets were from Galilee, and of course Jesus was actually from Bethlehem. So it goes to show that the Pharisees, who claimed to be "so knowledgeable", didn't know the Word of God at all.

Is it normal for my parakeets to peck eachother?

This sounds exactly like my two parakeets, Cyan and Bianca. As long as she is not actually wounding him, it's fine. I keep two feed bowls in the cage so that if Bianca is bosses Cyan off of the bowl, he can eat at the other one.

Who will take over for the FTC concerning criminal debt collectors ?

I understand that the FTC's limited legal authority has led to the development of a new department that will impose greater fines in the millions and prison terms for criminal debt collectors that violate federal and state law. How will this apply to the thousands of third party citizens who have received threats to extort money especially when they have zero debts , are not associated or obligated to the debtor , and have requested numerous times not to be contacted by a debt collector. My question pertains to the practices of Worldwide Recoveries , LLC and the numerous aliases they go by. Also is there a national forum for people across the nation to report on Worldwide Recoveries activity ?

Can I run Guild Wars on my Mac using Wine or Winebottler?

I used to play GW on my PC for a few years a few years ago. But I have a Mac now and I am dying to play GW again in preparation for GW2. Unfortunately, I dont have a copy of windows that I can run on bootcamp and I was wondering if GW will work with the wine or winebottler programs.

What should I name my characters? Please help!?

I, for one, am desperate to read the rest of the story! Really! Is it going to be a short story or a novel? Can I read it when it's finished? I have to know what happens to Ben & Eden. Luke and Mason are both great names for the guy. You've got a real flair. Very believable. Is this autobiographical? ~ ~ ~

Medical entry test in pakistan and difference between entry test of different provinces of pakistan?

i am very much trying to enter a government medical college.therefore i want to that if anyone here has given this test in nwfp or punjab or of agha khan medical college.plz plz tell me about that.i am sick of thinking of this test and there is no website avalible as per my search to provide me with an old paper of this entry test.and plz also if can tell me that what is the difference btw the entry tests of different provinces.and also about it a medical university and if yes then a government or a private.plz tell me as i hve very little knowlege about thest university.i am from federal board.

My 1995 Civic Coupe has turned off and will not turn back on?

The first time it happened, i was crossing the GW bridge to NY. I have a kill switch called the Clifford. It doesn't allow you to turn the car on without putting the pin inside. As it has been getting hotter, it has been turning off more and more frequently. Sometimes 5-6 times a day with a 2-3 day interval. 2 days ago i changed the ball joint and the tie rod for the driver side, very happy, and started to head out on Rt,4 to englewood. The car died in rush hour on the highway, my biggest fear, and i waited for the light to come back on. When i turned it, it came on for a brief second and died. I pushed it off the road onto residential area. As i tryed to turn it on, it cranked with no effect. I can say when i tryed on the highway i heard a sizzle on my side and the drivers HID light went out. It hasn't come back on. The dash lights dimmed really bad and it didn't turn back on. Its my greatest fear after trying to figure it out. It never turns off when my mechanics or friends look at it but when im driving, when im parked, when im about to drive, or parking it turns off. Please help me, its on a road it cant be on and i have to figure the problem out now. Battery is new and it has gas, didn't check the spark plugs but i dont know man...i need help so bad..

I need a weight loss buddy in Singapore, anyone?

I'm 18, Pro-ED. I have unlimited smses, and I rly need a buddyto help me stay motivated and reach our GW!

Who will you blame when the u.s troops in iraq rebel?

Although there is a plan to withdraw them in the end of this year but it will not be performed as the iraqi revolution would begin any moment then the u.s troops will have to be involved in the streets combats again and they already fed up and dont have a worthy reason to fight and waste time and life in iraq for.

Ok so i am getting two baby rats in a month. What cage should i get.?

I haven't looked at the link but my partner had 2 , first off why ?? they are horrible , they grow really fast and chew through just about anything also eat every thing , pick them up quite often so they get used to being held my partner did that and they never once bit anyone , they did get quite big and could squeeze through the smallest of holes . hope it helps ?

Is this what “hope and change” has given us?

No, he is doing all he can to better it. Jobs have been made and the economy is improving slowly on a macroscopic scale, even if you can't see it. If you want proof check out the CIA world factbook.

How does Yahoo get its news from the AP fed to them and displayed so neatly?

Interested in understanding how Yahoo or Google can search and display websites information such as News about Nascar, then every web page that has NASCAR listed is returned - obviously a bit more to it then that, but is it down via programming or special software code? Difficulty?

What belt colour should I wear with white sneakers?

I've heard that you need to match the color of your belt with your shoes so does that mean I have to wear a white belt? I'm wearing the belt with a white fred perry polo with black bermudas and jack purcell sneakers.

Should prisoners within a life sentence have the right to die?

If someone was in prison and WANTED to die, should they be allowed to? (Like Ian Brady and Fred West) Please state why you think what you think, thank you :)

Why is President Obama violating federal campaign finance laws by filming for fundraisers in the White House?

Oh...uh...there is an actual law? I'm not surprised at all that our current administration is oblivious to the legalities of our nation.

Help with my homework??10 points?

Farmer Fred will plant corn and beans. Fred has 120 acres total he can plant. Each acre of corn requires 5 pounds of fertilizer, and each acre of bean requires 7 pounds of fertilizer. Meanwhile, each acre of corn requires 2 pound of pesticide, while each acre of beans requires 4 pounds. Each acre of corn produces $100 worth of corn, while each acre of beans produces $120 worth of beans. Fred has 660 pounds of fertilizer and 340 pounds of pesticide. What is the largest amount of revenue Fred can produce?

Where to buy one a day essential vitamins?

I've read about them, but can't find them anywhere. I live near the following stores: Target, Walmart, Albertsons, Fred Meyer, Safeway, Walgreens and Costco

Guild wars 2 Hall of Monuments?

(Never played GW) When they say you get rewards for your achievments for Guild Wars 1, does Arena Net mean things like finishing something? (Something like WoW achievements) or is it something else? If so, can someone explain?


i purchased dell inspiron N5010 in may 2011 and it is always ready with a new its first week i had to reinstall all softwares n programmes due to unknown suddenly bluetooth disappeared i dont know where!! dell stage applications are not working properly DELL DOCK IS LOST NUMERIC PAD IS NOT WORKING ALONG WITH KEYS F1 F2 ETC. IT TAKES LOT OF TIMES TO START . I ALWAYS UPDATE WITH LATEST UPDATE BUT IT ALWAYS REMAINS IN THIS HORRIBLE STATE. I'M FED UP, CAN ANYONE HELP, SUGGEST MEWT HAS HAPPENED TO IT.

Information about keeping Triops as pets?

What is the proper set up for them? I'm thinking about buying this kit. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

If Collective Bargaining is a right, why not all Govt Employee's?

I'm talking about all State and Federal Govt. employee's. Wait that wouldn't be affordable would it!

Is cowardice a quality of the wealthy?

Cowardice is never a is a curse...Can you equate those who play the system for free money as cowards also? or just wealthy people?...We are all capable of me the greatest suffering in the world is denying yourself the pursuit of happiness.

How can I find my Great grandmother, free of charge and with little information?

Just following Joyce B information...if this is correct then you can get the information as Joyce has given you from freebmd...then go onto freereg and see if there is more information on there...if there is you may find both fathers of bride and groom, freecen for the census......register for free on rootschat ( UK forum/meassage board) go onto the devon page and see what resources are available for Devon and you can ask a question like you have on here, but everyone is researching in Devon, many know records available ,have records or visit the records centre they will look up for you..look at the same time for people researching the same surname in Devon and contact them via personal message...all this is free and you can find links to all these websites and more on a href="" rel="nofollow"

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Where can I find The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite Limited Edition [Hardcover]?

The hard cover version was a VERY limited run, distributed by Diamond Direct. The only copies of it that you'd ever be able to get your hands on would be through Amazon or eBay, as this was a HIGHLY collectible piece of literature. However, if you were just looking to read it, it's available in softcover HERE---> a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why don't global warming deniers understand that greenhouse gases are dangerous?

dangerous to whom, and SUV's contribute to pollution but a chevy impala doesn't, what in the world are you talking about. if you don't like SUV's then don't buy one, but who are you to tell me not to buy one. and I do deny global whatever the new buzzword is today. my suggestion to you is stop breathing as you are exhaling that terrible pollution co2 at around 40,000ppm with every breath

Should these players be in the HOF one day?

Yes, the majority of them are going to be in ASAP, some of them may have to wait a while, and the rest im too young to know about.

How Do I Track My PS3?

ok so my ps3 has been delivered to texas, but i am getting it serviced so at some point that will have to return it. Is there anyway that i can track the return process. This is via fed ex btw.

Anyone know where I can buy the Fred flinstones jacket that singer kreayshawn wears in her music video...?

Trying to find the Fred flinstones jacket that singer kreayshawn is wearing in her music video bumpin bumpin ...can't find it anywhere ...

How likely is it that there will be a war crimes/crimes against humanity trial for GW Bush?

Not likely. He has diplomatic immunity even though several European countries have discussed catching him and hanging him and he canceled his visits to those countries. Personally I would like to see him tried and hung. It would feel better than when Osama was shot.

Will Republican Gov. Chris Christie now be labeled a RINO for his recent GW comments?

Maybe he wants to disassociate himself from astrologers, holocaust deniers, and the flat earth society, which the current Republican Party has not (yet) embraced explicitly, but the company (intelligent people realize) with which today's fanatical climate change science liars are going to be classified for the next thousand years.

Federal agent question?

Lets say a federal agent, such as a border patrol agent or dea or even an atf agent gets shot or killed by a criminal. Who gets put in charge of the investigation? The agency they work for? Or the FBI? I think its the FBI, it doesn't matter what agency they were from since they were feds.

Sun, moon, mars, pluto, AND rising in Scorpio?! Advice? Anyone!?

My advice is to run away. That's waaay too much Scorpio. He is probably sexy as hell but apart from that extremely difficult to deal with.

Obama and gas prices?

Im not a GW Bush fan at any level however, I do remember he was getting allot of the blame for rising gas prices. Now that our gas prices are cresting around 4.00 gal I don't see Obama being held as accountable for this as Bush was. Is there a reason for this? The reason for the gas prices are the same for both presidents.

Can I use a product for athlete's foot for sweating feet?

Okay, so my feet are get really sweaty and so do my hands. I know it can be a disease, but I still need to get checked out. I am so fed up with this that I will do anything to cure it just a little ! My aunt gave me this spray for athlete's foot, and she said she used it on her feet for the same thing and it worked great! So, any suggestion or advice would be appreciated.

Did GW shrub have an outstanding GPA to merit acceptance in an Ivy League College?

His father and grandfather were in the Skull and Bones.. so he could have pretty much been a high school dropout and still manage to find his way to the cheerleading line at Yale!

What are some good places to hang out in Indianapolis for a bunch of 13 and 12 year old girls?

I wouldn't bother with downtown Indy. GW mall sounds like a good bet. And across County Line Road, there is the Incredible Pizza Co. The food is ok, but the games are fun for all ages. They have mini-golf, go karts, and lots of other fun things to do. You don't even have to get the buffet to play anymore. My family, ages 42 - 9 years of age all had a blast when we went.

Who in your opinion are the top 10 raiders of all time?

here's sportsnation's top 10: 1. fred biletnikoff, 2. ken stabler, 3. gene upshaw, 4. jim otto, 5. marcus allen, 6. art shell, 7. willie brown, 8. jim plunkett, 9. lester hayes and 10. tim brown.

What do you think of an Orlando Tea Party Republican angling for a commuter-rail project in his district?

Pure Progressive make work crap. The commuters themselves can pay for it and the private company needed to build and maintain it. This is not the governments business

What Should I Do help me (friend probs)?

I think I'm a quite forgiving person but I'm just fed up of having arguments everyday I just want to get on with my life ; have a laugh,get good grades,make friends and more.Theres this girl and she's bullied two people but I thought she got a bit nicer but I guess not because everyday someone in a group as an argument with her it's all laughs, true friends and support with out her.Anyway today we had a break time without her (she went off but FINE WITH US) and we had the funniest time ever with our to friends that are boys (dw just friends lol) and i've been hanging round with this girl she don't like and she says oh shes taking u away when i really like this girl cos she is nice and a gd friend and btw she's the kind of friend that does things to someone and they dont like it but nofihappenses but when it happens 2 her its a MASSIVE crisis and she also asked out my bf as soon as i dumped him.ANYWAY, basicly what should i do she just said can we be mates but i rlly dont no what 2 do x

How do i get permission to put files in sum folders?

Its a school computer and i put emulators in the folder called GW but It says i dont have permission.

Why is it "bad" that my husband works in a restaurant?

So, my "wonderful" extended family is having a BBQ for the 4th, and everyone is invited! Except for me and my husband, of course. When it's JUST family, we are always invited, but when people outside the family are present (people to impress!), we are not included in a vary blatant way. My family fits the bill of "affluent conservative republicans" to a T. I am the little, unspoken "black mark" on my family tree because I grew up and married someone I loved, not for the money. The very same reason my parents were outcasts for many many years (my dad married a woman who wanted to be a housewife instead of a lawyer! Gasp!). The whole issue is about the fact my husband is happy working in a restaurant, and I'm happy working retail part time. It would be generous to say we earn half of what the next lowest earning member of my family does combined, yet somehow, were the only one of my "generation" (my cousins and second cousins) who have never had to ask for monetary help. We don't have 3 brand new Mercedes in the driveway, but we've also never carried debt, have an actual savings account, and actually have time to spend together after work and on weekends. We budget our money well, and while we don't have luxuries like tv, we do save on our gym memberships by taking hikes and going camping all the time (much better than any tv in my opinion). Our jobs are low stress, and we leave work where it belongs- at work! We live simply, and that's how we like it. We are adults, taking care of ourselves just fine, I just don't understand why we are so embarrassing. My cousin and his wife spent so frivolously after getting married, they went from a few thousand in student loan debts to the verge of declaring bankruptcy in 3 years. One cousin works for a big law firm, and I wouldn't be shocked if he's doing something a little more than unethical to advance as fast as he has past more qualified people (he couldn't even pass the bar!). My husband gets the brunt of the negativity, since he is the man of the house. He's not selling crack to kids, he works a honest, normal job. My family has done many shameful things over many generations, I don't think the guy who is hard working and tries his best to always do the right thing is the problem here. It just makes me so angry we can't be seen by their friends. .I'm tired of their bulls***, and I'm thinking this really is the final straw, and we will probably just cut contact with them. This has been going on for years, and I'm just so fed up. I mean, what would you do with a family like this? It's not my parents, it's my aunts and uncles and cousins. Over my entire life, none of us have ever really gotten along anyways, I just don't see any point in talking to these people anymore. My moms side is very close, and not part of the problem, but my dads side, I just don't care about. What would you do?

Why did Jewish bankers finance Hitler, as this Jewish American civic leader said they were in 1933?

Watch this YouTube series and you will understand, a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How can i get rabies?

ok so a baby raccoon snuck into my house, hes been living in my house now.He's really cute and really friendly. I pet em and fed em blueberries, i havent been bit or scrached, but now i found out that you don't have 2 be bitten to get rabies. That u can get it from its spit. So if its spit got on my cat and then i kiss my cat...i can have rabies? and if it drinks from my cats water dish, and then my cats drink from cats can catch then my cats drool on me ill be infected? is this posible? can some1 help me out. Also my cats were vaccinated 4 years are they in the clear? this raccoon has only been in my attic o it probably isnt infected right?

If global warming was real, would you care?

According to virtually every scientific organization on this earth, AGW is real. It is horribly selfish for this generation to continue to contribute to this problem and dump it on the next generation, at which point it may be unsolvable.

Are prices for goods and services going up because of the Federal Reserve?

I was told by a friend that when you print a bunch of paper money it causes inflation, which devalues the currency and makes prices rise. Is that true? I'm still not sure, but just look at the Weimar Republic and Zimbabwe, and Japan's lost decade...

Harry Potter fanfic cliches?

I have been reading HP/GW fan-fiction and the most I seem to find is when Harry is taken away by some powerful who want him to be powerful or suddenly has become powerful in magic and he bashes on Dumbledore or Hermione or Ron because they're not his allies or friends.Some are when he has a harem.Is this turning into Naruto kinda thing? Tell your honest opinions.

Does anyone really believe Bachmann's outrageous lies (part 1)?

Yes, people believe her lies...thats the problem with the republican party...they never fact check anything, they just accept everything

Jerry Falwell, Fred Phelps, Pat Robertson, Harold Camping...which one of these nuts do you dislike the most?

I am religious, consider myself a Christian, but I do not associate myself with a specific denomination. The most offensive of the ones that you mentioned to me is Harold Camping. His predictions are absolutely ridiculous. He's been wrong on so many occassions. And, he uses millions of dollars of money collected from his radio program to fund these predictions and all of the propaganda associated with him. Yep, would like to see him in jail for fraud at the least.

What are some books about imaginary friends?

id like to read a book/comic book about a girl or boy who has an imaginary friend and has to deal with life around them. (not drop dead fred plz)

Need help with my capture card?

ok you connect your xbox to your usb capture card then connect your computer up to your tv via dvi-hdmi or hdmi cord depends on what type of ports your tv has and what type of out put your computer has now heres the issue with that set up your going to be 1.2secs behind on your game on your tv since the signal from your xbox has to go thru your computer before it reaches the tv it is possible to get a splitter and stream your xbox straight to your tv and comp at the same time so this lag will not be problem.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Help with my boys weight!?

Triple crown senior...we live in ny and get cold winters. We switch to it to help keep a lil extra fat on them in the winter. Also theres a weight builder supplement. Can be found on WWW.valley

Has Obama's 5 wars in the mideast shown the peace movement to be a fraud?

Where are the anti war protesters now that Obama is in office perpetrating wars that he doesn't even get Congressional approval for? What would Democrats be saying if GW Bush was in office and doing exactly what Obama is doing?

Street fight takedown?

If someone is grabbing your t-shirt by the shoulder and the sleeve, what takedown is most effective? I tried a leg sweep ( similar to that, but he had his right leg back in a fighting stance and I was trying to sweep with my right leg as well since I have horrible balance on my left leg. It'd be appreciated if you could leave descriptive details (videos/pictures please). Thanks.

I am so fed up with acne! Help?

Try going to They have a free newsletter that provides a ton of valuable information to get ride of acne. The one main product they review is exposed acne products and it really gets ride of acne. It’s a wonderful product for you to solve all your acne needs. I suggest signing up for the newsletter the first thing you do cause the acne destroyer will give you a free eBook on natural cures and provide a lot more information on exposed acne products. Good luck on fighting acne!

POLL: Do you ever shop for a bargain @ the good will ? Or have you ever done this?

Yes, all of the time. The thrift shops (such as Goodwill) are the best place to buy used books. I've also done well with some nice shirts (a couple of them still had the original tags on them). Last week when I was there, a big Cuisinart food processor was up for only $10. I don't need it, but it would have been excellent for anybody who needed one. You never know what you will find, and the money they take in from the sales goes to good causes, back to community programs to help people.

Can I get in Columbia or Cornell with a 3.89 GPA?

Wow Im so jealous! I think you would get into most of those schools based on your test scores alone. Plus, you have GREAT extracurriculars and lots of AP's. I dont think your GPA really matters at this point. Good luck :D

Maths problem really having trouble?

Taxation takes 1/3 of Fred's salary each week. He spends half of the remainder on clothing. After this expenditure he spends 2/3 of the remainder on food. The Remainder he is able to bank. If fred is able to bank $50 at the end of the week. how much did he earn before the tax

How much time do a federal inmate have to do on a 10 year sentence?

my fiance was sentenced to 10 years with the feds' he has already served 3 1/2 years i just wanted to know how much more time would he have to serve before he can come home?

Is it ok to enroll at more than one college?

My friend is enrolled at George Washington for first semester, then got admitted to USC through an appeal for the spring semester. If she enrolls at USC, deposits and saves the spot, then goes to GW and and decides after or during first semester if she is going to come back and go to USC will she get into trouble with either university?

Wondering about GWU rumors?

GWU is one of the most expensive private colleges and does attract rich snobby kids. You should look at Georgetown in DC which is better academically and not quite as expensive and better location than GWU. Holy Cross is very similar to Georgetown as they were both founded by the Jesuits.

When will Obama be held responsible for the economy by liberals like they held GW Bush responsible, ever?

Obama is responsible for getting out of the mess he was left with. But Bush and Herbert Hoover will be forever entwined in our history books as inept bumblers.

How much money did the USA borrow from China during the Clinton era? The GW Bush era? The Obama era?

you seem to think that there is a difference between these guys. there is not. they all took on the banks debt, last count $1500T. have fun paying that.

Why does Samaritan's Purse spend more gov't monies on "evangelising" than actual aid in disaster relief?

Why has the Jerry Lewis telethon raised over 2 billion dollars for muscular dystrophy yet nothing has been accomplished with that money??

Here is a list of Federal Government Programs - When a state has a duplicate program can we eliminate the Fed?

Never happen. Libs would NEVER vote their special areas out of existance. But I like your thinking.

So What Exactly Does Barney Rubble Do For A Living?

I thought they went off to work together and ran those feet under the car to get home TOGETHER. Don't they both work at the gravel pit? How COOL was it that they used animals for appliances and stuff? Like a birds beak for a phonograph and an elephant's trunk to spray water for dishes and showering??? How f-in COOL was it, that they had a dang BARKING DINOSAUR to represent the iconic "family dog"???? How COOL was it, that Betty's necklace had that big pearl look...I don't think those were supposed to be rocks...I think they were pearls. Hannah-Barbera was the SHIZ-NIT!!!

What is wrong with the situation?

Fred was watching Disney Channel. Patty yells at Fred (real loud) to change the channel as she does not like the channel. When Fred changes the channel, Patty tells him that he should not have changed the channel as she actually likes Disney Channel, and punishes him.

Sally operates a large manufacturing firm near a federal land preserve known for its waterfowl and fauna. The?

Sally operates a large manufacturing firm near a federal land preserve known for its waterfowl and fauna. The federal government has just filed suit against Sally and her corporations charging them with criminal violations of various environmental protection statutes. What rights do Sally and her corporation have that are guaranteed under the United States Constitution?

Who's most hart trophy worthy this year? D.Sedin or Perry?

I, too, would say Sedin. After all, he led the league in points, right? Also, about the Lightning, there's this guy named Steven Stamkos, maybe you've heard of him. He's kind of better than St. Louis...

How would Rick Santorum fare on as the Presidential nominee for the GOP?

Against Obama? I think he can win some northeastern States like New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts, and his home state of Pennsylvania and be competitive. Coming from the GW Bush faction of the GOP, he can also directly appeal to the south.

Is this a good Xbox set/combination?

Everything looks good (if the console's shipping is free). If not you can buy it for the same price wherever they sell xbox 360's. If that hard drive is legit then yea it's a good deal but it sounds too good to be true. Normally they go for $130 but idk it looks original to me.

My guinea pig. and treats :)?

one thing you must know about guinea pigs is that they know when they are full. dont be afraid of feeding them too much or getting them fat because when they are full they stop eating. so if you feed him a few apple slices and he eats it all, you could try something else for a little and eventually he will stop. dont force feed him, he knows when he is hungry. as for the treats, im not sure if they are really bad for them as most people think. i would do some research on that but i think it is similar to food but is not to replace their food

What were some of GW Bush's accomplishments?

He consumed more cocaine then all the rest of the brothers of the skull and bones club. Drank more Tennessee whiskey then all the other presidents combined (though in all fairness Washington did distill his own rye whiskey). And is considered the number one brush clearer in Middleton, Texas. Oh yeah, he does a mean armpit fart sound.

How do I discreetly flirt with another guy?

the first one is good for catching however to the regular straight guy you appear really rude for staring at him...flit with him as if you were flirting with a girl, straight guys usually take it as a joke and just fooling around type of deal but guy guys take it seriously.

Do you like the White Stripes?

they are okay brother Dave, even though I think Meg W. is one of the sloppiest drummers I have ever heard. I have seem some images of her porn scandal sex tape and i think she would make a much better porn star than a drummer IMO

Is fred phelps (god hates fags/america guy) and his family still touring?

Yes they still do but I don't know how you find out where he will be. I know where you won't find him though. You won't find him up here in Northern Texas. Even though it is so close to them we run them off anytime they get near here. So they decided just to stay away. It has been quite peaceful here.

Why would the question "Is GW Bush and Sarah Palin had a child, what would its name be?" a breach of YA!?

Because it suggests that GW Bush has functioning reproductive organs. It's a sickening thought, really - almost as bad as imagining his parents going at it.

What should i do about my dog with diareha?

My poor 3 years, 3 months and 13 day old dog, Scruffy, is throwing up and having diaerhia. I haven't made any changes to his food and and hav'nt fed him anthing strange. I don't know if he may have eaten something strange that i dont know about but not as far as i know. I feed my dogs the same things and the other one hasnt been affected by anything.scruffy is a yorksheir terrier miniture and my other dog flash is an american cocker spanial.

I really need help with feeding my geckos! Please?

I have 2 african fat tail geckos, male and female. the male, bruno (about a year old) and the female, holly (about 5 months) live together. the substrate, is reptilite calcium sand on the hot side (to hold heat), and on the cold side there is coconut bedding (to hold moisture & humidity). i got the female a few days before the male, both about 2 weeks ago, niether of them have eaten on their own. I got the female from a breeder at a reptile convention, and the male from a local petstore. I don't feed them inside their terrarium, I move them to a plastic bin, so there's no impaction. my leopard gecko, who lives in another terrarium, eats just fine inside the feeding bin, but the african fat tails just lay there. i'm worried about them, i have hand fed them because they're still juveniles and are supposed to be fed daily.. but will they eat on their own? is this normal for newly purchased geckos?

HPV Genotyping test .... does that my my gyno is sure that I have HPV?

The tests were probably just to confirm that you have warts. This gynecologist sounds unprofessional. She couldn't tell that quickly what the bumps were FOR SURE.

Who was the worst president? GW BUSH or richard nixon?

Which of these two lousy presidents is the worst? Richard Nixon did some good before resigning in disgrace. Bush lied America into war and failed to kill bin Laden. Who was the worst?

Can I run Guild Wars on my Mac using Wine or Winebottler?

I used to play GW on my PC for a few years a few years ago. But I have a Mac now and I am dying to play GW again in preparation for GW2. Unfortunately, I dont have a copy of windows that I can run on bootcamp and I was wondering if GW will work with the wine or winebottler programs.

How come Cons passed DOMA as Federal issue, then they turn around and say Gay Marriage is "States Rights"?

In other words, it's a FEDERAL issue, when they feel they are WINNING, but if they get scared it might be overturned by the Supreme Court, then SUDDENLY, it is a "States Rights" issue.

What if bout. 1947 Fred Apostoli vs Rocky Graziano. Who wins?

Graziano although very popular with the fans, was basically a big right hand only bomber. Apostolie was the better all around boxer and would most likely avoid the rushes and fight hands of Graziano.

Do you like or hate Limp Bizkit?

I am guilty of liking the band Limp Bizkit, they have always been one of my favourite bands. The thing is my friends always made fun of me for it so I have it to hide that I like the band, I don't wear my Limp Bizkit shirt in public anymore. I mean even I used to make fun of Fred Durst and mock him a little bit cuz he has kind of a whiney voice but he has matured a lot since 1999 I don't even think he talks like that now. People say Limp Bizkit sucks and they are gay but I don't believe that at all. Even if you hate rap metal/numetal listen to Limp's last album it wasn't even numetal the band has come a long way.

Nike Sling Shot Irons- Good deal?

Well, you have a lot of double clubs there. The 4, 5, and 6 hybrids usually replace the 4-6 irons... but since you're new, you probably don't know what you like yet, so i suppose its a good thing those are included in the deal. However, i would ask him if he has a registration number you can cross reference with Nike to make sure they are genuine clubs and not counterfeit. 220$ seems TOO good to be true. I personally do not trust buying clubs from the internet because you dont have the oppurtunity to test them out. What if you hate these clubs? Then what? go to a reputable dealer. that way, you have the chance to swing the clubs, see what you like, then if you REALLY want to buy online, you at least know what you opinion is on the equipment you're buying.